Here is main idea:
arrow signals are quite active and allow to
get Pips even on weak fluctuations. Anyway,
to make it a bit safer (if needed) - you can
add trend filter and reduce trades in
opposite to trend direction. As soon as you
enable trend filter - you will see it
visually on the chart and trades will be
only on confirmed signals.
FiboTP: good
option to use. Each Take Profit will be
unique and based on Fibonacci levels. Great
support for each trade.
allow to increase lot size 2 times after a
loss trade. This may help you to recover
faster. Trailing
Stop Loss: another good feature
to be safe. Fix your profit and avoid losses
on weak Markets.

amazing for trading. Signals are quite
active - but trends are more predictable
than on M15 or M5 time frames. This will
keep your trading with less risks. |